Terms Of Service



The following Terms of Service Agreement (the ""TOS"") is a legally binding agreement that shall govern the relationship with our users and others which may interact or interface with Shechuna, also known as Shechuna, located at 7 Cobblestone Farm Ct, Suffern, New York 10901 and our subsidiaries and affiliates, in association with the use of the Shechuna website, which includes Shechuna.app, (the ""Site"") and its Services, which shall be defined below.


The Site is app relocate which has the following description:

Store terms of service and privacy policy and serve as landing page for Shechuna app

Any and all visitors to our site shall be deemed as ""users"" of the herein contained Services provided for the purpose of this TOS.

The  user acknowledges  and  agrees  that  the  Services  provided  and  made  available  through  our  website  and  applications, which  may  include  some  mobile  applications  and  that  those  applications  may  be  made  available  on  various  social  media networking  sites  and  numerous  other  platforms  and  downloadable  programs,  are  the  sole  property  of Shechuna.  At  its discretion, Shechuna may offer additional website Services and/or products, or update, modify or revise any current content and Services, and this Agreement shall apply to any and all additional Services and/or products and any and all updated, modified  or  revised  Services  unless  otherwise  stipulated. Shechuna  does  hereby  reserve  the  right  to  cancel  and  cease offering  any  of  the  aforementioned  Services  and/or  products.  You,  as  the  end  user acknowledge,  accept  and  agree  that Shechuna shall not be held liable for any such updates, modifications, revisions, suspensions or discontinuance of any of our Services and/or products. Your continued use of the Services provided, after such posting of any updates, changes, and/or modifications shall constitute your acceptance of such updates, changes and/or modifications, and as such, frequent review of this Agreement and any and all applicable terms and policies should be made by you to ensure you are aware of all terms and policies currently in effect. Should you not agree to the updated, revised or modified terms, you must stop using the provided Services forthwith.

Furthermore,  the  user understands,  acknowledges  and  agrees  that  the  Services  offered  shall  be  provided  ""AS  IS""  and  as  such Shechuna shall not assume any responsibility or obligation for the timeliness, missed delivery, deletion and/or any failure to store user content, communication or personalization settings.


Every  member's  registration  data  and  various  other  personal  information  are  strictly  protected  by  theShechuna  Online Privacy Policy (see the full Privacy Policy at https://shechuna.app/privacy-policy). As a member, you herein consent to the collection  and  use  of  the  information  provided,  including  the  transfer  of  information  within  the  United  States  and/or  other countries for storage, processing or use by Shechuna and/or our subsidiaries and affiliates.


Due to the global nature of the internet, through the use of our network you hereby agree to comply with all local rules relating to  online  conduct  and  that  which  is  considered  acceptable  Content.  Uploading,  posting  and/or  transferring  of  software, technology and other technical data may be subject to the export and import laws of the United States and possibly other countries. Through the use of our network, you thus agree to comply with all applicable export and import laws, statutes and regulations,          including,          but          not          limited          to,          the          Export         Administration          Regulations (http://www.access.gpo.gov/bis/ear/ear_data.html),   as   well   as   the   sanctions   control   program   of   the   United   States (http://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Programs/Pages/Programs.aspx). Furthermore, you state and pledge that you'

 a)are not on the list of prohibited individuals which may be identified on any government export exclusion report(http://www.bis.doc.gov/complianceandenforcement/liststocheck.htm) nor a member of any other government which may beArial17part of an export-prohibited country identified in applicable export and import laws and regulations;b)agree not to transfer any software, technology or any other technical data through the use of our network Services toany export-prohibited country;c)agree not to use our website network Services for any military, nuclear, missile, chemical or biological weaponry enduses that would be a violation of the U.S. export laws; andd)agree not to post, transfer nor upload any software, technology or any other technical data which would be in violationof the U.S. or other applicable export and/or import laws.CONTENT PLACED OR MADE AVAILABLE FOR COMPANY SERVICESShechuna shall not lay claim to ownership of any content submitted by any visitoror user, nor make such content available forinclusion on our website Services. Therefore, you hereby grant and allow for Shechuna the below listed worldwide, royalty-free and non-exclusive licenses, as applicable:a)The content submitted or made available for inclusion on the publicly accessible areas of Shechuna's sites, the licenseprovided to permit to use, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, publicly perform and/or publicly display said Content onour network Services is for the sole purpose of providing and promoting the specific area to which this content wasplaced and/or made available for viewing. This license shall be available so long as you are a member of Shechuna'ssites, and shall terminate at such time when you elect to discontinue your membership.b)Photos, audio, video and/or graphics submitted or made available for inclusion on the publicly accessible areas ofShechuna's sites, the license provided to permit to use, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, publicly perform and/orpublicly display said Content on our network Services are for the sole purpose of providing and promoting the specificarea in which this content was placed and/or made available for viewing. This license shall be available so long as youare a member of Shechuna's sites and shall terminate at such time when you elect to discontinue your membership.c)For any other content submitted or made available for inclusion on the publicly accessible areas of Shechuna's sites,the continuous, binding and completely sub-licensable license which is meant to permit to use, distribute, reproduce,modify, adapt, publish, translate, publicly perform and/or publicly display said content, whether in whole or in part, andthe incorporation of any such Content into other works in any arrangement or medium current used or later developed.Those areas which may be deemed "publicly accessible" areas of Shechuna's sites are those such areas of our networkproperties which are meant to be available to the general public, and which would include message boards and groups thatare openly available tousers.CONTRIBUTIONS TO COMPANY WEBSITEShechuna  provides  an  area  for  our  users  to  contribute  feedback  to  our  website.  When  you  submit  ideas,  documents,suggestions and/or proposals ("Contributions") to our site, you acknowledge and agree that:a)your contributions do not contain any type of confidential or proprietary information;b)Shechuna shall not be liable or under any obligation to ensure or maintain confidentiality, expressed or implied, relatedto any Contributions;c)Shechuna shall be entitled to make use of and/or disclose any such Contributions in any such manner as they may seefit;d)the contributor's Contributions shall automatically become the sole property of Shechuna; ande)Shechuna is under no obligation to either compensate or provide any form of reimbursement in any manner or nature.INDEMNITYAll usersherein agree to insure and hold Shechuna, our subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, employees, officers, partners and/orlicensors blameless or not liable for any claim or demand, which may include, but is not limited to, reasonable attorney feesmade by any third party which may arise from any content auser of our site may submit, post, modify, transmit or otherwisemake available through our Services, the use of Shechuna Services or your connection with these Services, your violationsof the Terms of Service and/or your violation of any such rights of another person.COMMERCIAL REUSE OF SERVICESTheuser herein agrees not to replicate, duplicate, copy, trade, sell, resell nor exploit for any commercial reason any part, useof, or access to Shechuna's sites.MODIFICATIONSShechuna  shall  reserve  the  right  at  any  time  it  may  deem  fit,  to  modify,  alter  and  or  discontinue,  whether  temporarily  orpermanently, our service, or any part thereof, with or without prior notice. In addition, we shall not be held liable to you or toany third party for any such alteration, modification, suspension and/or discontinuance of our Services, or any part thereof.ADVERTISERSAny correspondence or business dealings with, or the participation in any promotions of, advertisers located on or throughour Services, which may include the payment and/or delivery of such related goods and/or Services, and any such other term,condition, warranty and/or representation associated with such dealings, are and shall be solely between you and any suchadvertiser. Moreover, you herein agree that Shechuna shall not be held responsible or liable for any loss or damage of anynature or manner incurred as a direct result of any such dealings or as a result of the presence of such advertisers on ourwebsite.LINKSEither Shechuna or any third parties may provide links to other websites and/or resources. Thus, you acknowledge and agreethat we are not responsible for the availability of any such external sites or resources, and as such, we do not endorse nor arewe responsible or liable for any content, products, advertising or any other materials, on or available from such third partysites or resources. Furthermore, you acknowledge and agree that Shechuna shall not be responsible or liable, directly orindirectly, for any such damage or loss which may be a result of, caused or allegedly to be caused by or in connection withthe use of or the reliance on any such content, goods or Services made available on or through any such site or resource.PROPRIETARY RIGHTSYou do hereby acknowledge and agree that Shechuna's Services and any essential software that may be used in connectionwith our Services ("Software") shall contain proprietary and confidential material that is protected by applicable intellectualproperty rights and other laws. Furthermore, you herein acknowledge and agree that any Content which may be contained inany  advertisements  or  information  presented  by  and  through  our  Services  or  by  advertisers  is  protected  by  copyrights,trademarks, patents or other proprietary rights and laws. Therefore, except for that which is expressly permitted by applicablelaw or as authorized by Shechuna or such applicable licensor, you agree not to alter, modify, lease, rent, loan, sell, distribute,transmit,  broadcast,  publicly  perform  and/or  created  any  plagiaristic  works  which  are  based  on Shechuna  Services  (e.g.Content or Software), in whole or part.Shechuna  herein  has  granted  you  personal,  non-transferable  and  non-exclusive  rights  and/or  license  to  make  use  of  theobject code or our Software on a single computer, as long as you do not, and shall not, allow any third party to duplicate, alter,modify, create or plagiarize work from, reverse engineer, reverse assemble or otherwise make an attempt to locate or discernany source code, sell, assign, sublicense, grant a security interest in and/or otherwise transfer any such right in the Software.Furthermore, you do herein agree not to alter or change the Software in any manner, nature or form, and as such, not to useany modified versions of the Software, including and without limitation, for the purpose of obtaining unauthorized access toour Services. Lastly, you also agree not to access or attempt to access our Services through any means other than throughthe interface which is provided by Shechuna for use in accessing our Services.WARRANTY DISCLAIMERSYOU HEREIN EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT:a)THE USE OF SHECHUNA SERVICES AND SOFTWARE ARE AT THE SOLE RISK BY YOU. OUR SERVICES ANDSOFTWARE SHALL BE PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" AND/OR "AS AVAILABLE" BASIS. SHECHUNA AND OURSUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, PARTNERS AND LICENSORS EXPRESSLYDISCLAIM ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUTNOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT.b)SHECHUNA AND OUR SUBSIDIARIES, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, PARTNERS AND LICENSORS MAKENO SUCH WARRANTIES THAT (i) SHECHUNA SERVICES OR SOFTWARE WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS;(ii) SHECHUNA SERVICES OR SOFTWARE SHALL BE UNINTERRUPTED, TIMELY, SECURE OR ERROR-FREE;(iii) THAT SUCH RESULTS WHICH MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE USE OF THE SHECHUNA SERVICES ORSOFTWARE WILL BE ACCURATE OR RELIABLE; (iv) QUALITY OF ANY PRODUCTS, SERVICES, ANYINFORMATION OR OTHER MATERIAL WHICH MAY BE PURCHASED OR OBTAINED BY YOU THROUGH OURSERVICES OR SOFTWARE WILL MEET YOUR EXPECTATIONS; AND (v) THAT ANY SUCH ERRORSCONTAINED IN THE SOFTWARE SHALL BE CORRECTED.c)ANY INFORMATION OR MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED BY WAY OF SHECHUNASERVICES OR SOFTWARE SHALL BE ACCESSED BY YOUR SOLE DISCRETION AND SOLE RISK, AND ASSUCH YOU SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR AND HEREBY WAIVE ANY AND ALL CLAIMS AND CAUSESOF ACTION WITH RESPECT TO ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER AND/OR INTERNET ACCESS,DOWNLOADING AND/OR DISPLAYING, OR FOR ANY LOSS OF DATA THAT COULD RESULT FROM THEDOWNLOAD OF ANY SUCH INFORMATION OR MATERIAL.d)NO ADVICE AND/OR INFORMATION, DESPITE WHETHER WRITTEN OR ORAL, THAT MAY BE OBTAINED BYYOU FROM SHECHUNA OR BY WAY OF OR FROM OUR SERVICES OR SOFTWARE SHALL CREATE ANYWARRANTY NOT EXPRESSLY STATED IN THE TOS.e)A SMALL PERCENTAGE OF SOME USERS MAY EXPERIENCE SOME DEGREE OF EPILEPTIC SEIZURE WHENEXPOSED TO CERTAIN LIGHT PATTERNS OR BACKGROUNDS THAT MAY BE CONTAINED ON A COMPUTERSCREEN OR WHILE USING OUR SERVICES. CERTAIN CONDITIONS MAY INDUCE A PREVIOUSLY UNKNOWNCONDITION OR UNDETECTED EPILEPTIC SYMPTOM IN USERS WHO HAVE SHOWN NO HISTORY OF ANYPRIOR SEIZURE OR EPILEPSY. SHOULD YOU, ANYONE YOU KNOW OR ANYONE IN YOUR FAMILY HAVE ANEPILEPTIC CONDITION, PLEASE CONSULT A PHYSICIAN IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY OF THE FOLLOWINGSYMPTOMS WHILE USING OUR SERVICES: DIZZINESS, ALTERED VISION, EYE OR MUSCLE TWITCHES, LOSSOF AWARENESS, DISORIENTATION, ANY INVOLUNTARY MOVEMENT, OR CONVULSIONS.LIMITATION OF LIABILITYYOU  EXPLICITLY  ACKNOWLEDGE,  UNDERSTAND  AND  AGREE  THAT SHECHUNA  AND  OUR  SUBSIDIARIES,AFFILIATES, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, PARTNERS AND LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU FORANY PUNITIVE, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES, INCLUDING, BUTNOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES WHICH MAY BE RELATED TO THE LOSS OF ANY PROFITS, GOODWILL, USE, DATAAND/OR OTHER INTANGIBLE LOSSES, EVEN THOUGH WE MAY HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF SUCH POSSIBILITY THATSAID DAMAGES MAY OCCUR, AND RESULT FROM:a)THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE OUR SERVICE;b)THE COST OF PROCURING SUBSTITUTE GOODS AND SERVICES;c)UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO OR THE ALTERATION OF YOUR TRANSMISSIONS AND/OR DATA;d)STATEMENTS OR CONDUCT OF ANY SUCH THIRD PARTY ON OUR SERVICE;e)AND ANY OTHER MATTER WHICH MAY BE RELATED TO OUR SERVICE.RELEASEIn  the  event  you  have  a  dispute,  you  agree  to  release Shechuna  (and  its  officers,  directors,  employees,  agents,  parentsubsidiaries, affiliates, co-branders, partners and any other third parties) from claims, demands and damages (actual andconsequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, suspected or unsuspected, disclosed and undisclosed, arisingout of or in any way connected to such dispute.SPECIAL ADMONITION RELATED TO FINANCIAL MATTERSShould you intend to create or to join any service, receive or request any such news, messages, alerts or other informationfrom  our  Services  concerning  companies,  stock  quotes,  investments  or  securities,  please  review  the  above  SectionsWarranty Disclaimers and Limitations of Liability again. In addition, for this particular type of information, the phrase "Let theinvestor beware" is appropriate. Shechuna's content is provided primarily for informational purposes, and no content that shallbe provided or included in our Services is intended for trading or investing purposes. Shechuna and our licensors shall not beresponsible or liable for the accuracy, usefulness or availability of any information transmitted and/or made available by wayof  our  Services,  and  shall  not  be  responsible  or  liable  for  any  trading  and/or  investment  decisions  based  on  any  suchinformation.EXCLUSION AND LIMITATIONSTHERE ARE SOME JURISDICTIONS WHICH DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF CERTAIN WARRANTIES OR THELIMITATION OF EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. THEREFORE, SOMEOF THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS OF SECTIONS WARRANTY DISCLAIMERS AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY MAY NOTAPPLY TO YOU.THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIESYou herein acknowledge, understand and agree, unless otherwise expressly provided in this TOS, that there shall be no third-party beneficiaries to this agreement.NOTICEShechuna may furnish you with notices, including those with regards to any changes to the TOS, including but not limited toemail, regular mail, MMS or SMS, text messaging, postings on our website Services, or other reasonable means currentlyknown or any which may be herein after developed. Any such notices may not be received if you violate any aspects of theTOS by accessing our Services in an unauthorized manner. Your acceptance of this TOS constitutes your agreement that youare  deemed  to  have  received  any  and  all  notices  that  would  have  been  delivered  had  you  accessed  our  Services  in  anauthorized manner.TRADEMARK INFORMATIONYou herein acknowledge, understand and agree that all of the Shechuna trademarks, copyright, trade name, service marks,and other Shechuna logos and any brand features, and/or product and service names are trademarks and as such, are andshall remain the property of Shechuna. You herein agree not to display and/or use in any manner the Shechuna logo or markswithout obtaining Shechuna's prior written consent.COPYRIGHT OR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INFRINGEMENT CLAIMS NOTICE& PROCEDURESShechuna will always respect the intellectual property of others, and we ask that all of our users do the same. With regards toappropriate circumstances and at its sole discretion, Shechuna may disable and/or terminate the accounts of any user whoviolates our TOS and/or infringes the rights of others. If you feel that your work has been duplicated in such a way that wouldconstitute copyright infringement, or if you believe your intellectual property rights have been otherwise violated, you shouldprovide to us the following information:a)The electronic or the physical signature of the individual that is authorized on behalf of the owner of the copyright orother intellectual property interest;b)A description of the copyrighted work or other intellectual property that you believe has been infringed upon;c)A description of the location of the site which you allege has been infringing upon your work;d)Your physical address, telephone number, and email address;e)A statement, in which you state that the alleged and disputed use of your work is not authorized by the copyrightowner, its agents or the law;f)And finally, a statement, made under penalty of perjury, that the aforementioned information in your notice is truthfuland accurate, and that you are the copyright or intellectual property owner, representative or agent authorized to act onthe copyright or intellectual property owner's behalf.The Shechuna Agent for notice of claims of copyright or other intellectual property infringement can be contacted as follows:Mailing Address:ShechunaAttn: Copyright Agent7 Cobblestone Farm CtSuffern, New York10901Telephone: 9296015786Fax: 9296015786Email:info@shechuna.appCLOSED CAPTIONINGBE  IT  KNOWN,  that Shechuna  complies  with  all  applicable  Federal  Communications  Commission  rules  and  regulationsregarding the closed captioning of video content. For more information, please visit our website at shechuna.app.GENERAL INFORMATIONENTIRE AGREEMENTThis TOS constitutes the entire agreement between you and Shechuna and shall govern the use of our Services, supersedingany prior version of this TOS between you and us with respect to Shechuna Services. You may also be subject to additionalterms and conditions that may apply when you use or purchase certain other Shechuna Services, affiliate Services, third-partycontent or third-party software.CHOICE OF LAW AND FORUMIt is at the mutual agreement of both you and Shechuna with regard to the TOS that the relationship between the parties shallbe governed by the laws of the state of New York without regard to its conflict of law provisions and that any and all claims,causes of action and/or disputes, arising out of or relating to the TOS, or the relationship between you and Shechuna, shall befiled within the courts having jurisdiction within the County of Kings County, New York or the U.S. District Court located in saidstate. You and Shechuna agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts as previously mentioned, and agree to waive anyand all objections to the exercise of jurisdiction over the parties by such courts and to venue in such courts.WAIVER AND SEVERABILITY OF TERMSAt any time, should Shechuna fail to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the TOS, such failure shall not constitute awaiver of such right or provision. If any provision of this TOS is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, theparties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to the parties' intentions as reflected in the provision,and the other provisions of the TOS remain in full force and effect.STATUTE OF LIMITATIONSYou acknowledge, understand and agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or action arising outof or related to the use of our Services or the TOS must be filed within 1year(s) after said claim or cause of action arose orshall be forever barred.VIOLATIONSPlease report any and all violations of this TOS to Shechuna as follows:

Mailing Address:Shechuna7 Cobblestone Farm CtSuffern, New York10901

Telephone: 9296015786

Fax: 9296015786



Effective Date: September 12 2024

This User Agreement (“Agreement”) constitutes a legally binding contract between you (“User,” “you,” or “your”) and Shechuna (“Platform,” “we,” “us,” or “our”). It governs your use of our website, app, and services (collectively, the “Services”) and outlines the terms and conditions that apply to both registered and non-registered users who access our platform to list, search, or engage with rental properties.

By accessing or using our Services, you affirm that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by this Agreement, as well as any additional guidelines, policies, or rules that we may implement. If you do not agree to these terms, you should not access or use the Platform.

1. Scope of Services

Shechuna provides an online space for landlords and property managers (“Landlords”) to list rental properties, and for tenants (“Tenants”) to search for and inquire about available rentals. Our platform is designed purely as a marketing tool to facilitate communication and interactions between Landlords and Tenants. We do not broker or manage rental agreements, property leases, or payments.

The Platform does not participate in, manage, or assume liability for transactions that occur between Users. Any agreements or contractual obligations resulting from a connection made via the Platform are solely between the Landlord and the Tenant. You are responsible for ensuring that your actions comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations.

1.1 Third-Party Relationships

We may engage with third-party service providers for analytics, subscription management, or other operational functions. By using our Platform, you acknowledge and agree to the use of third-party services, which are subject to their own terms of use and privacy policies.

2. Account Creation and User Responsibilities

To access certain features of the Platform, you must create an account. You agree to provide accurate, current, and complete information when registering and to promptly update any information to ensure it remains accurate. You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account credentials and for all activities that occur under your account.

If you are a Landlord listing a rental property, you must ensure that the information provided, including rental prices, property descriptions, and availability dates, is accurate. We reserve the right to remove any inaccurate, misleading, or outdated listings without notice.

2.1 Subscription Requirements

Landlords must purchase a subscription to list properties on the Platform. A subscription grants you the right to post one or more listings, depending on your chosen subscription tier. Listings from non-verified users will be marked as such, and potential renters are advised to exercise caution when interacting with these users.

2.2 Account Termination

We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account at our sole discretion if we believe that you have violated any part of this Agreement, provided false information, or engaged in inappropriate behavior.

3. Subscription Fees and Payment Terms

Subscription fees are required for Landlords to list properties on the Platform. The applicable subscription fee will be clearly indicated at the time of purchase. By purchasing a subscription, you agree to pay all applicable fees and taxes and to comply with our payment policies.

3.1 No Refunds Policy

We operate on a strict no-refund policy. If you cancel your subscription before the expiration of its term, you will not receive any refund for unused time. Please note that subscription cancellations do not relieve you of your obligation to pay any fees accrued prior to cancellation.

3.2 Automatic Renewal

Subscriptions are set to automatically renew at the end of each term. Users are responsible for managing their subscription settings to avoid unwanted charges. While we make every effort to notify you of upcoming renewals, it is ultimately your responsibility to ensure your payment methods and subscription preferences are up to date.

4. Listing Guidelines and User Conduct

Listings posted on the Platform must comply with our guidelines and applicable legal standards. Landlords are responsible for ensuring that their listings accurately represent the rental property, including its condition, features, pricing, and availability. We reserve the right to remove any listing at any time if it is deemed misleading, inaccurate, or otherwise problematic.

4.1 Prohibited Conduct

Users may not post or promote content that is illegal, fraudulent, offensive, or harmful to others. This includes, but is not limited to:

• Providing false or misleading information in profiles or listings.

• Harassing, threatening, or abusing other users.

• Posting any content that infringes on the rights of others or violates applicable laws.

Any violation of these terms can result in immediate suspension or termination of your account, and potentially legal consequences.

5. Review and Moderation Process

Users have the ability to report listings, profiles, or behaviors that they believe violate the terms of this Agreement. Reports will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, but we do not guarantee any specific timeframe for investigations or actions.

5.1 Moderation Discretion

We retain full discretion in how we manage user accounts, reports, and content removal. Depending on the severity and nature of the issue, we may issue warnings, remove content, or permanently ban users without notice.

6. Privacy and Data Use

Shechuna is committed to protecting your privacy. We collect and store personal data provided by users to facilitate the operation of the Platform. Your data will not be sold or shared with third-party marketers. We may, however, share information with third-party service providers that assist in managing subscriptions, analytics, and other essential functions of the Platform.

6.1 User-Generated Content

By submitting content to the Platform (including rental listings, reviews, or messages), you grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, modify, or distribute the content as necessary to operate and promote the Platform.

7. Legal Compliance

Users are solely responsible for ensuring that their use of the Platform and their rental listings comply with all local, state, and federal laws, including housing and rental regulations. We are not responsible for advising Users on legal requirements and will not be held liable for any consequences arising from non-compliance with applicable laws.

7.1 Legal Disputes and Liability

Shechuna disclaims any responsibility for disputes arising between Landlords and Tenants. We do not mediate disputes and shall not be held liable for any damages or losses incurred in connection with rental agreements, property conditions, or tenant behavior.

8. Third-Party Integrations

We may integrate with third-party tools for managing subscriptions and collecting analytics. These tools are governed by their own terms and privacy policies. By using our Platform, you agree to the terms set by these third parties as outlined in this Agreement.

9. User Communication and Notifications

We may send you notifications regarding your account, subscription status, or updates to the Platform. While we send marketing emails and updates, users can opt out of these communications at any time by updating their preferences in their account settings.

9.1 No Mandatory Notifications

We do not send mandatory notifications regarding changes to the terms of service or platform updates. It is your responsibility to periodically review this Agreement to stay informed of any modifications.

10. Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability

The Platform is provided “as is” and without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. We disclaim any warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. We do not guarantee that the Platform will be error-free, secure, or uninterrupted.

10.1 Limitation of Liability

To the fullest extent permitted by law, Shechuna shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of or related to your use of the Platform. This includes, but is not limited to, lost profits, loss of data, or damages arising from disputes between Landlords and Tenants.

11. Amendments to This Agreement

We reserve the right to modify or update this User Agreement at any time. Changes will be effective upon posting on the Platform, and continued use of the Platform constitutes acceptance of any changes. If you do not agree with the updated terms, you should discontinue your use of the Platform.

12. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved in the courts of New York, and you consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts.